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  • KosEd

Two Teacher Training Programs of KosEd Project Approved by MESTI

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

The European Union Project “KosEd - Support for Primary and Upper Secondary Education” has successfully developed and gained approval for two essential training programs aimed at supporting schools and municipalities in enhancing their capacities for school-based professional development and ensuring educational quality.

These programs have been officially approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI).

1. Training Program: Peer-Led Evaluation

The Peer-Led Evaluation training program is designed to provide support to teachers, quality coordinators, school principals, and education inspectors. This program is developed based on the needs identified during visits and meetings with schools and municipalities over the course of a year.

Its main objectives are:

  • Providing a detailed description of the assessment steps, concepts, and guidelines for effective peer assessment implementation.

  • Collecting and recording authentic and reliable data, facilitating discussions, and reflecting on findings from evaluations.

  • Assisting school leadership, the Department of Curriculum and Assessment (DKA), and the Education Inspectorate in identifying ways to improve teaching based on evidence from observations.

The program spans 50 hours over two to three weeks, tailored to the specific conditions and possibilities of each school.

Currently, the program is already underway in four municipalities and eight schools. It will be extended to additional municipalities and schools in alignment with the KosEd project plan.

2. Training Program: Evidence-Based Pedagogical Practice

The Evidence-Based Pedagogical Practice training program aims to support teachers in the practical and comprehensive implementation of the new curriculum, focusing on the integration of evidence-based pedagogical practices in pre-university education. This program is prepared as a valuable resource for all school teachers and is aligned with the needs identified by them.

Its main objectives include:

  • Providing a detailed description of topics, concepts, and guidelines for the effective implementation of evidence-based pedagogical practice.

  • Facilitating discussions on relevant topics, adapting them to participants' opportunities and capacities.

  • Integrating elements that characterize efficient and comprehensive teaching into daily work in the school and classroom.

This program underscores the importance of cooperation between teachers, mentoring, support among colleagues, and the need for continuous professional development. It spans 48 hours, organized into eight modules, with scheduling adapted to the conditions and possibilities of each school. Initially, the program is being offered to four municipalities and eight partner schools of the project, and it will be extended to other municipalities and schools based on requests and coordination with the KosEd project.

We commend MESTI for their recognition of the value of these training programs in advancing the quality of education in Kosovo!

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