The European Union project - KosEd continued successfully with the certification of over 40 teachers and educational staff in the "Kosovan Peer-Led Quality Assurance Model" program. This program is a crucial mechanism for improving primary and secondary education in Kosovo.
The Director of Education of the Municipality of Kamenica, Afrim Dervishi, reaffirmed the municipality's commitment to continue in September with other schools in training for school and peer assessment, calling it a good opportunity for professional improvement and development.
We thank Mr. Dervishi for reflecting the positive and constructive approach that we aim to promote among educators.
The immediate impact of this program was evident from the reactions of various schools. School directors, educators, and teachers expressed that the training has opened their eyes.
This significant commitment from the Municipality of Kamenica and the educational staff is an important step towards improving pre-university education in Kosovo.
This success has been achieved thanks to our support and that of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation.
So far, KosEd has certified over 1,000 educational personnel within the framework of the "Kosovan Peer-Led Quality Assurance Model" program, focusing on capacity building and professional development of school-based teachers.